
Dear Brain,

How are you? Hope everything is ok. I have noticed that you are confused, complaining all the time... You don’t know what you want anymore…. Is my heart guilty for everything? Let me try to explain you: Everyday I talk with R. and it is really great, he is always saying nice things, he is sweet and cares about me, he makes me feel good. After all I still make the difference of his world. In other hand, P. started to talk with me again, after all these months that I wasn’t here, he came to me and we decided to have lunch. I can’t explain how it was. It’s true that we broke up some years ago, but we remain friends, and that lunch… GOD! I had a flash of all the moments we spent together… It was all coming back to me again, he just needed a sign… P. would have done everything I wanted but, as I told you before, you are confused, so there was nothing left for me, except enjoying every second without giving that sign. Besides, to help you, in my heart still live two other persons: N. and L. N is one of my best friends, we talk every week, we write to each other regularly, we are soul mates, but… it didn’t work out the first time, neither the second time, neither… we tried more than once. I wish it was easy! About L there is not much to say, L. is another friend, a relation was/would be a bit more complicated… lots of promises made, lots of emotions, lots of tears, lots of passion, lots of hugs, lots of everything… he took my heart, but it’s an impossible love. I know it, or at least, I try to believe so… otherwise I don’t know how I could deal with such feeling.

So tell me: are you still confused? Who should be my Mr. X?


What was I thinking of when I rejected you yesterday? Am I going crazy? I still miss you P.


Desde que me conheço que gosto deste texto.... Não me canso de o ler, principalmente quando acordo com os pés de fora, e tenho um dia de cão, acordar cedo, apanhar chuva, esperar horas no banco para ser atendida, acidentes de automóvel (sem feridos felizmente), etc. Hoje estou num dia não, e peço desculpa a todos os que de algum modo levaram como meu mau feitio.

Uma noite eu tive um sonho. Sonhei que estava a andar na praia com o Senhor e à minha frente, passavam cenas da minha vida. Para cada cena que se passava, percebi que eram deixados dois pares de pegadas na areia; Um era meu e o outro do Senhor. Quando a última cena da minha vida passou Diante de nós, olhei para trás, para as pegadas Na areia e notei que muitas vezes, no caminho da Minha vida havia apenas um par de pegadas na areia. Notei também, que isso aconteceu nos momentos Mais difíceis e angustiosos da minha vida. Isso entristeceu-me muito, e perguntei Então ao Senhor. " Senhor, Tu disseste me que, uma vez que eu resolvi seguir Te, Tu andarias sempre comigo, Durante a minha caminhada , notei que nos momentos mais Difíceis da minha vida havia apenas um par de pegadas na areia. Não compreendo porque nas horas que mais necessitava de Ti,Tu me deixastes." O Senhor respondeu me: "- Meu Irmão. Eu Amo te e jamais te deixaria nas horas da tua prova e do teu sofrimento. Quando vistes na areia, apenas um par de pegadas, foi exactamente aí que EU, Te carreguei nos braços..."
(Autor Desconhecido, mas Inspirado pelo Espírito Santo)

This world...

is killing me!


Best Friends?

Oh God, this is one of those key moments in life, when it's possible you can be really, genuinely cool - and I'm failing 100%. I absolutely and totally and utterly adore you and I think you're the most handsome man in the world and more importantly I genuinely believe and have believed for some time now that we can be best friends. What do YOU think?